
Recensione 7 Artisans 18mm f/6.3 New Usato

The 7 Artisans 18mm f/6.3 is an ultra-wide angle lens for Nikon and compatible mirrorless cameras. This high-end lens provides high-quality images, making the details sharp and clear.

It incorporates a distortion-free optical design, with a maximum aperture of f/6.3 and a minimum aperture of f/22. It offers manual focus functions and a minimum focus distance of 0.35 meters. The lens is made from high-quality durable materials, ensuring strength and longevity.

Ideal for landscape and architecture photographers, it is also a perfect tool for street photography. Thanks to its wide viewing angles, it allows you to capture a vast panorama or a crowded street scene in the same frame, providing a unique viewpoint.

7 Artisans 18mm f/6.3 New Disponibili nei negozi RCE:

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