
Recensione 7 Artisans 7.5mm f/2.8 Fish-eye Usato

The 7 Artisans 7.5mm f/2.8 Fish-eye for Sony is an ultra-wide-angle lens that offers a unique and distorted perspective, ideal for creative photography.

This lens has a 7-blade diaphragm, a focal length of 7.5mm, and a wide f/2.8 aperture for low light shots. It is equipped with a multi-layer coating to reduce flare and ghost images.

The ideal use of this lens is in situations where you want to capture an extremely wide visual angle. It's perfect for landscape, architecture photography, or shooting skateboard and extreme sports.

7 Artisans 7.5mm f/2.8 Fish-eye Disponibili nei negozi RCE:

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