
Recensione Canon EF 135mm f/2 L USM Usato

The Canon EF 135mm F/2 L USM lens is one of the most appreciated Canon SLR Telephones for the efficacy and versatility. Suitable for being used both in outdoor spaces and for photography in the studio, this lens is characterized by a medium-long, perfect focal length, in particular, for portrait photography, but also for naturalistic photography, as without distortions significant prospects. The focal length of 135mm, being fixed, remains stable in any shot situation, making this lens a highly functional lens, especially in those situations in which, by choice or by obligation, it is not possible to approach the subject much. Also appreciated in the world of photography of sporting events, the Canon EF 135mm F/2 L USM lens proves to be a valid ally in the most dynamic situations and in those in which unfortunately you are forced to photograph in low light conditions. Just in the latter case, the opening of the diaphragm is certainly to play a fundamental role. The diaphragm F/2 of this lens, in fact, allows you to photograph excellent quality images in all light conditions, even in the most hostile ones. This also allows you to expertly balance the blur in any situation, so as to obtain, when sought, an excellent effect bokeh , but without sacrificing the sharpness of the image; Another point in favor for this lens, which thus doing it allows us to wisely play even with the depth of field. The abbreviation "" usm "", as known in the Canon universe, means "" "Ultrasonic Motor" "and indicates a refined technology of which only the technically more advanced lenses are equipped: a silent and precise focus system characterized by 'Employment of a piezoelectric component inside the barrel of the lens. This additional element in fact makes the movement of the more dynamic and smooth focusing ring, even if it is decided to correctly correct a fixed focus point of fire by automatic fire. The attack of this lens, as well as Canon already specifies in the name of the product, is of the "" ef "type type and is therefore compatible with all the reflex machine bodies that mount this type of bayonet. As well as the other fixed focal lenses belonging to the same range, the Canon EF 135mm F/2 L USM telephoto lens is not equipped with the image stabilizer; However, the feature that does not detract from this lens, which boasts specifications and a constructive quality such as to guarantee a high shutter quality, in the most varied photographic situations.

Canon EF 135mm f/2 L USM Disponibili nei negozi RCE:

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