
Recensione Sigma APO Tele Converter 2x EX DG Usato

The Canon Sigma APO Tele Converter 2x EX DG is an extraordinary enhancing lens designed to double the focal length of your compatible Canon lenses. This sturdy and lightweight product is a versatile addition to your photography equipment.

Its technical features include compatibility with f/2.8 or brighter lenses, the ability to retain automatic focus on most cameras, and a dust and water-resistant design. Thanks to the use of SLD (Special Low Dispersion) glass, it ensures excellent colour rendition and maximum sharpness.

Ideal for wildlife photographers seeking to bring subjects closer without disturbing them, or for shooting sporting events where field access is limited. It could be your perfect partner to enhance the quality and range of your photos. It is also suitable for distant portraiture or astronomical photography.

Sigma APO Tele Converter 2x EX DG Disponibili nei negozi RCE:

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