Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
4 year warranty
In the last week we have purchased 1811 cameras and lenses from our customers
Perfect, like new
1 Year of warranty
Luminosissima ottica da ritratto per sistema Canon mirrorless EF-M dalla lunghezza focale equivalente a 90mm ! Ottica dalla nitidezza e dal bokeh veramente molto marcati. Vero gioiellino !
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
6 month warranty
L'esposimetro è a cella di selenio, pertanto a esaurimento negli anni (l'affidabilità dunque dello stesso non è garantibile).
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
6 month warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
1 Year of warranty
Magnifico esemplare di tutto fare stabilizzato per Canon Reflex FF e APSC, prezzo così vantaggioso poiché il diaframma non scende sotto i 5.6. Dettaglio assolutamente ininfluente ai fini fotografici, ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo.
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
1 Year of warranty
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
2 year warranty
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
4 year warranty
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
6 month warranty
Ultima Revisione 01/2025 - Effettuati controlli e tarature -
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
2 year warranty
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
2 year warranty
bruscoli dentro lente
Fully functional, good condition, some signs of wear
1 Year of warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
1 Year of warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
1 Year of warranty
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
4 year warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty
Perfect, like new
2 year warranty