€ 120
Fully functional, good condition, some signs of wear
6 month warranty
Fully functional, good condition, some signs of wear
6 month warranty
€ 120
RCE Foto - Milano Lainate
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
Not available
RCE Foto - Milano Lainate
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
Not available
€ 100
Fully functional, good condition, some signs of wear
6 month warranty
Fully functional, good condition, some signs of wear
6 month warranty
€ 90
RCE Foto - Milano Lainate
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
Not available
RCE Foto - Milano Lainate
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
Not available
€ 90
RCE Foto - Berlin, Deutschland
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
1 Year of warranty
RCE Foto - Berlin, Deutschland
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
1 Year of warranty
€ 90
Fully functional, good condition, some signs of wear
6 month warranty
Fully functional, good condition, some signs of wear
6 month warranty
€ 60
RCE Foto - Milano Lainate
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
6 month warranty
RCE Foto - Milano Lainate
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
6 month warranty
€ 40
Perfect, like new
1 Year of warranty
Perfect, like new
1 Year of warranty
€ 40
RCE Foto - Darfo Boario Terme
Perfect, like new
Not available
RCE Foto - Darfo Boario Terme
Perfect, like new
Not available
€ 40
RCE Foto - Darfo Boario Terme
Perfect, like new
Not available
RCE Foto - Darfo Boario Terme
Perfect, like new
Not available
€ 40
RCE Foto - Darfo Boario Terme
Perfect, like new
Not available
RCE Foto - Darfo Boario Terme
Perfect, like new
Not available
€ 30
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
6 month warranty
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
6 month warranty
€ 20
Perfect, like new
6 month warranty
Perfect, like new
6 month warranty
€ 20
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
6 month warranty
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
6 month warranty
€ 15
RCE Foto - Milano Lainate
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
6 month warranty
RCE Foto - Milano Lainate
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
6 month warranty
€ 10
RCE Foto - Milano Lainate
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
Not available
RCE Foto - Milano Lainate
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
Not available
€ 490
Perfect, like new
1 Year of warranty
Perfect, like new
1 Year of warranty
€ 50
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
6 month warranty
No base appoggio
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
6 month warranty
No base appoggio
€ 30
RCE Foto - Milano Lainate
Perfect, like new
Not available
RCE Foto - Milano Lainate
Perfect, like new
Not available
€ 30
RCE Foto - Darfo Boario Terme
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
6 month warranty
RCE Foto - Darfo Boario Terme
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
6 month warranty
€ 250
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
6 month warranty
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
6 month warranty
€ 130
Fully functional, good condition, some signs of wear
6 month warranty
Fully functional, good condition, some signs of wear
6 month warranty
€ 130
RCE Foto - Berlin, Deutschland
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
RCE Foto - Berlin, Deutschland
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
€ 110
RCE Foto - Darfo Boario Terme
Perfect, like new
6 month warranty
RCE Foto - Darfo Boario Terme
Perfect, like new
6 month warranty
€ 100
Perfect, like new
6 month warranty
Perfect, like new
6 month warranty
€ 100
RCE Foto - Darfo Boario Terme
Perfect, like new
6 month warranty
RCE Foto - Darfo Boario Terme
Perfect, like new
6 month warranty
€ 80
RCE Foto - Vilnius, Lituania
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
6 month warranty
RCE Foto - Vilnius, Lituania
Perfectly working. Some minor signs of wear as from normal use
6 month warranty
€ 20
Perfect, like new
Perfect, like new
€ 190
Da Collezione
AA. VV. Bullettin - Association Belge de Photographie sous le Protectorat du Rois . Vol. VIII- 1891
7°leg. coeva mz.t. scritte e fregi oro al dorso . Annata completa . Pagg 1062, con figg. n.t. e 12 tavv. f.t. Fra le tavv. citiamo solotanto :1) "la Muerthe à St. Diè"; photogragravure di a. Lumiere e SES FILs ; Clichè du DR. R. KOELER. 2) "Photo. au Charbon de
EDMOND SACRE', a Gand; clichè de JOAQUIN, à Porto"(fotografia originale), più molte altre tavole f.t. di photocollographie, phototypie, heliographie, photogravure premiate nei concorsi fotografici dell'epoca.
Il volume è parzialmente danneggiato al margine destro delle pagine 313-568, senza lesione del testo. Buon es.
Da Collezione
AA. VV. Bullettin - Association Belge de Photographie sous le Protectorat du Rois . Vol. VIII- 1891
7°leg. coeva mz.t. scritte e fregi oro al dorso . Annata completa . Pagg 1062, con figg. n.t. e 12 tavv. f.t. Fra le tavv. citiamo solotanto :1) "la Muerthe à St. Diè"; photogragravure di a. Lumiere e SES FILs ; Clichè du DR. R. KOELER. 2) "Photo. au Charbon de
EDMOND SACRE', a Gand; clichè de JOAQUIN, à Porto"(fotografia originale), più molte altre tavole f.t. di photocollographie, phototypie, heliographie, photogravure premiate nei concorsi fotografici dell'epoca.
Il volume è parzialmente danneggiato al margine destro delle pagine 313-568, senza lesione del testo. Buon es.
€ 180
Da Collezione Libro completo in ogni sua parte
AA.VV Luci ed Ombre - annuario della fotografia artistica italiana 1928
Legatura Brossura Originale cartonata, pagine 16, tavole fuori testo 52 ,più 21 pagine non numerate di pubblicità.
Libro completo in ogni sua parte
Da Collezione Libro completo in ogni sua parte
AA.VV Luci ed Ombre - annuario della fotografia artistica italiana 1928
Legatura Brossura Originale cartonata, pagine 16, tavole fuori testo 52 ,più 21 pagine non numerate di pubblicità.
Libro completo in ogni sua parte
€ 140
Da collezione
AA.VV. Bullettino della Società Fotografica Italiana - Anno 9 -1897
8°gr., leg. coeva in mz. t., scritte e fregi oro al dorso, annata completa ,pp. VIII 436. con figure n.t. e numerose fotoincisioni f.t. e una fotocromotipia f.t. scritti di G. Pizzighelli e altri Ott. Es.
Da collezione
AA.VV. Bullettino della Società Fotografica Italiana - Anno 9 -1897
8°gr., leg. coeva in mz. t., scritte e fregi oro al dorso, annata completa ,pp. VIII 436. con figure n.t. e numerose fotoincisioni f.t. e una fotocromotipia f.t. scritti di G. Pizzighelli e altri Ott. Es.
€ 30
Perfect, like new
Not available
Perfect, like new
Not available
€ 100
Perfect, like new
Not available
Perfect, like new
Not available
€ 80€ 70
Fully functional, good condition, some signs of wear
6 month warranty
Fully functional, good condition, some signs of wear
6 month warranty